
Google Spreadsheets Revision History Enhanced released

Submitted by Emil on Tue, 06/14/2011 - 18:09

Google Docs & Spreadsheets is a great service for collaboration. With the quite recent introduction of Revision History in spreadsheets, it became even better. However, there is one thing that really annoys me - when working on a spreadsheet with several sheets and you want to see what your collaborators have changed, you can't see which sheets were edited but have to manually step through each sheet and look for edits. It takes time, a lot of time...

Firefox on Wine on Ubuntu faster than Firefox on Ubuntu

Submitted by Emil on Sat, 03/07/2009 - 11:26

Last update: 2009-03-07 22:38

After reading this entry: Browser benchmarks 2: even Wine beats Linux Firefox, I decided to test it for myself. These were my results:

  • Google's V8 Benchmark Suite gives Firefox on Ubuntu 98.3 points, while Firefox on Wine gets 114 points.
  • Adobe Flash in Firefox on Wine seems to work well except from displaying full screen video, when it just hangs.
  • Ctrl+Tab and Ctrl+Shift+Tab doesn't work, use Ctrl+PgDn and Ctrl+PgUp instead.
  • Ubiquity, the command line interface for Firefox works, but looks like crap.
  • Scrolling on pages with fixed backgrounds (like Twitter) was slow. I created a user script for greasemonkey to deal with it by making the background scrolling.

All in all, Firefox on Wine on Ubuntu feels more snappy than Firefox on Ubuntu. I'm going to stick with it for a while and post any glitches I find here.

These tests were done with Firefox 3.0.7 on Wine 1.0.1 on Ubuntu 8.10 and Firefox 3.0.7 on Ubuntu 8.10, respectively.

I tried the latest Wine from here, but found that version 1.0.1 from the Ubuntu repositories worked better for me.

Compacting Firefox

Submitted by Emil on Sat, 11/08/2008 - 09:33

Just found this nice Firefox add-on that made it possible to better use the screen resolution my laptop has: Compact Menu 2. Install it, restart Firefox, right click the toolbar and drag the compact menu button out, drag the activity indicator down from the menu bar and finally, right click the menu bar and remove the tick next to "Menubar". Voila!

Update: Also try the Classic Compact theme to save even more space.